Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm.
There are scheduled routes for each day, which are available from the office. West Lothian routes can be found here.
You need to book a place in advance by telephoning your local office, Monday to Friday:
Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian call 0131 447 1718 West Lothian call 01506 633336
Our bus will then pick you up at your home. The driver can provide assistance from your home and onto the bus if you require. You will be dropped off at the shopping location.
You will have between 1 to 2 hours at the supermarket or shopping centre or supermarket and then the driver will collect you for the return home. Our driver will help you from the vehicle and into your home and can also carry your shopping to your door or into your home, if you wish.
Yes. You can travel just one way, if you prefer.
Yes. You can find a form on our registration page, which you can complete online. Registration is free.
£2.00 each way in Edinburgh, East and Midlothian, concessionary bus pass accepted in East, West and Midlothian.
National Blind Concessionary Travel - passengers who are registered blind travel free on Dial-A-Bus. Please see West Lothian Dial-A-Bus page for pricing
Yes. If you are unable to travel by yourself you may bring an escort with you who will also travel at £2.00 each way.
Please remember to tell us you need space for an escort when you make your booking.
Yes. All Dial-a-Bus vehicles are accessible, with space for two wheelchair passengers per vehicle. Wheelchair passengers face forwards.