If you are user of HcL and want to become more involved with the charity how about becoming a member?
You can attend the Annual General Meeting and have your say about how HcL should be run. Members receive regular newsletters.
Our annual subscription for membership is £5 for individuals or £15 for corporate. Membership income goes towards the running of our vehicles.
Our subscription year runs from April 1st to March 31st. You can pay by cash or cheque. If you would like to set up a standing order, please contact our office for details.
If you are interested then please download our membership application form on link below. Please print and complete the form then send it to our Edinburgh office.
If you would like to receive a form that is printed, in another language, or provided in another format (e.g. large print, audio, braille), please call us on 0131 447 9953.
It is not necessary to become a member to use our services.
You can also participate towards our work by making a donation. HcL is a charity any relies on securing funding and donations. Any donation made goes to core costs and towards replacing older vehicles.
We can also claim gift aid on your donation which will make it go even further. A gift aid form can be provided upon request.
Further details on how to support HcL can be found here.